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Soft and pillowy, just how they should be!

Right now it’s about 1:50am, which means I can’t sleep and all I can seem to think about are these delicious brownies…well, them and organising our holiday, moving house and my not so small work load to complete before the end of the year! Like a said, big moments for me often revolve around food – at least in some ways, hah!


It’s been a huge few months so far, as some of you may be aware if you follow my journey online. We are moving house to better suit Tim for work purposes, which will be our 10th move in just 6 years of marriage… so, that’s around one and a half houses per year, or on average, roughly once every 7 months.




Oh dear, someone get me something smothered in caramel…

I couldn’t tell you why we have moved so many times, maybe It’s that I just love to change my kitchen frequently?! But whatever the reason I can promise you, something that hasn’t changed is my undying love for sugar and sweets! And these cookies are my offering to prove that – and my celebratory treat for surviving so many treks to find the ideal location!

Difficulty: Easy!

Parties aside though, sometimes there is nothing better than sitting down after a long day (or a long morning for us mums!) and enjoying something totally decadent, filled with totally necessary calories and a cup of strong coffee. And, as you might be able to see, I couldn’t even wait for mine to set before I dived right in… I blame my dessert addiction...

These cookies take me right back to my childhood! If you’ve read all about my giant gingernutters, you will know that on special family occasions we would always indulge in gingernuts that had been heated and moulded to allow thick pillows of caramel to fill the centre and soft whipped cream to bounce on the top – they were to die for!

These are my childhood treats re-imagined! Mixing things up with fresh ginger cookies (as opposed to store bought), a fancy heart shape and piped caramel centre’s, giving every bite the most delicious seasonal flavours you could ask for!


You don’t have to be a huge ginger lover to fall for these cookies, Tim isn’t a massive fan of the spice in food and he still quite easily devoured a few heavenly sandwiches – as did Sway!

I was able to make around 60 cookies (30 sandwiches) with this recipe, but really it depends on the size of your cutters. Speaking of cutters, you could honestly use any shape your heart desires – and with Christmas just past, I’m sure a holiday cutter would be still desired by all!

Makes: 60 cookies (30 Sandwiches)

Gather The Following...

Now, Lets Begin!

For the cookies, beat together the butter and sugar using an electric hand mixer, until light and fluffy.


To the butter mixture, add in the golden syrup and sift over the flour, baking soda and ginger. Beat again until all the ingredients are combined.


Place the dough onto plastic wrap and mold into a disk shape. Wrap tightly and place it into the fridge to chill for 1-2 hours. Once the dough has chilled, remove it from the fridge and roll out to 7mm thick circle, cut the dough using cookie cutter hearts and place each heart onto another tray lined with baking paper. Once you have used all the dough to cut into shapes, place the trays back into the fridge to firm back up before baking.


Preheat your oven to 150. Once the dough has chilled, place them into your preheated oven and cook for 12-14 minutes until lightly golden and cooked.


Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool the tray for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool and harden completely.


Once the cookies have cooled, pipe small amounts of caramel onto one cookie and sandwich with another (as pictured above).


Chill in the fridge to firm up and then enjoy!

120 butter, softened

½ cup brown sugar

2/3 cup golden syrup

2 ¾ cup plain flour

1 tsp bicarb

2 tsp ginger



½ cup caramel top and fill


Hi Lovely.

Let me introduce myself a little, 

I'm Brogen.

A self-taught baker, wife to my handsome husband Tim, mama to Sway and totally besotted sugar addict. Food truly is where my heart lays and there’s nothing I don’t love about it - from creating it, to photographing it and everything in between…it makes my heart sing!




oh sugar...

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